Hey Newgrounds! I'm still working on my Kirby thing for the Many Kirbys Collab, hosted by some awesome people who's names escape me at this present moment. I am about 1/5th done, but the rest should be easy since it is mostly lip syncing. It should definitely make you laugh if you know who Vince from Shamwow and Kirby are. The art is going to be quite well done, all FBF done with my brand new-ish tablet. Get one, even if you are not serious about flash animating, they're just plain fun to use.
Also, I have a new project in mind called Wacky Gay Jokez 4 Fagz. It's exactly what it sounds like, a parody of a show which is mostly a parody. Basically, it's a one man project in which I will imitate all the horribly scripted characters in the WGJ4K series and pretty much sum up their intentions while trying to make a point. It might even be a step ahead of the real thing because I will do jokes that aren't purposely trying to be stupid. It also won't be a completely ugly looking parody either, I'll try my best to make it look as smooth as the actual thing. And I'll bring in a new character which should be in the show too.
Which brings me to another point, who the fuck finds purposely stupid jokes funny? I mean, that's just weak humor. The entire show is a huge piece of junk, with the exception of the first 2 episodes. Just saying, that's where I stand as of now. Maybe HotDiggedyDemon can learn a thing or two from the low grades.
So yeah, that's about it. HOW IS EVERYBODY ELSES SUMMER GOIN'?
Exuse me sir, but Spazkid already did a parody of that, sir. It's called WGJ4K: I Hate Videogames? It has penises, cock jokes, the classic 'I Hate Videogames' line, and cocks. Sorry, sir, but your plans have failed.
Oh, wow, looks like we had the same idea. Oh well, I'll still make mine. The more the merrier.