Somewhat disappointing.
You know, up until now, I really thought you were gonna start a streak of good episodes. Episode 9 was by far my favorite in the series, particularly because it had to most of all, with the series and what WGJ4K is about.
And I know in this episode, you wanted it to feel epic, but it just wasn't there. While the dialog emulates something of a movie, and admittedly, the scene where the boss was pointing the gun had me off the seat, the entire thing as a whole just feels so out of place and tune with the rest of the series. When you come right down to it, this entire series isn't even about video games.
When you have a protagonist or antagonist, or whatever Mickey classifies as, you have to make them somewhat follow the plot. It seems every single episode has Mickey screwing around with the entire show which completely ruins any possible game joke there could be.
The only two episodes that actually have to somewhat do with video games are the pilot and the twilight princess review. The rest have been attempts to convince Mickey do to anything, and he's just messed them up with just inserting profanitity and vulgarity. The only instance where that type of humor actually worked WAS in the 9th episode. Because admittedly, it wasn't about video games. But it was a different stray of comedy which was much more down to earth and relatable.
And then, you have this finale, which isn't even funny. Yet I'm not voting it down because of that, I'm ripping on it because you've completely jumped topics and that this feels completely out of place. Looks to me like you made an epic finale to keep people wanting a second season, but you had absolutely no chain or link between the episodes and absolutely no build up to this point. If something had happened in the second last episode that built up to Mickey's sheer rage against VGV, this would be better.
All I can say positively about this was that the animation and lighting were very impressive and that the intense moment you did have was effective despite it having no meaning or place in the series. Props, but overall this was pretty meh.